Sunday, April 25, 2010

Personal Progress: Individual Worth #7

I've been trying to use the "required experiences" for these activities, but it was too difficult for Individual Worth, so I went with an "additional" experience. And I'm doing something that was done when I was a YW leader years ago. (I remember that no one wanted to write on mine because they might make a grammatical or spelling error.)

We are all going to sit around a big table. I will provide a sheet of stationery for each person and we'll each write our name on the top. Throughout the activity, we will alternate between reading and discussing the required scriptures for the experience and writing nice things about the person whose paper we have. (The papers will be rotated around the circle.)

Pretty simple . . . I hope.
Hindsight advice: Actually, I was pretty sick that night, so I was kinda out of it. So I guess the only thing I would've changed was having a table. We had other things going on that night, so I couldn't put tables up and we were all in a "circle" on the floor.

1 comment:

Brit said...

At Girls Camp one year, we did something similar, it was just on a beach ball instead that we passed around during testimony meeting, so we had plenty of time to write plenty. I loved it, and I love my beach ball. It's a great idea.